Tenant surveys
Management processes
Importance of tenant surveys
Tenant surveys are an important communication tool and provide valuable feedback on where and how service processes can be improved. However, the cost-benefit ratio is often not right. Tenant surveys are usually conducted by mail and often have a low response rate. On the other hand, the evaluation is a long and resource-intensive process, both financially and in terms of personnel. The introduction of meaningful measures is delayed accordingly and often comes too late.
The solution is automated and process-integrated tenant surveys using a digital communication portal. Tenants can raise their concerns there around the clock.

Digitization of tenant surveys
Solution providers score points with prefabricated qualified questionnaires, which means that a survey can be set up quickly. Online surveys not only save costs, real estate companies can now also view the interim results of the survey live.
For a tenant survey to be effective, it must be conducted quickly and, above all, regularly. Such surveys must therefore be integrated into the ongoing processes of the real estate companies; possible connecting points are move-in and move-out as well as a point in time in between. These tenant surveys must then still be connected to the respective ERP system via an interface so that all data is synchronized immediately.

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