Concular GmbH
Circular construction for future-proof properties.

The future of your property in a circular and value-preserving way
Portfolio Check
Identify potential in your property portfolio
Together, we set sustainability targets for your portfolio and offer an initial assessment of optimisation potential to prevent your properties from becoming stranded through greater circularity.
Clear recommendations
Making future-proof decisions
Using digital building passports, we analyse your portfolio based on data and support you in developing a strategy for your ESG-compliant, value-preserving property portfolio with clear recommendations for action.
Active optimisation
More value with less CO2
Through selected measures such as the use and closed-loop recycling of circular building materials, we increase compliance and property value – and reduce waste, resource consumption and emissions for your future-proof property portfolio.
Concular GmbH and Karstadt
To date, the construction industry has been the world’s biggest polluter in terms of material and energy consumption. To change this soon, the Berlin start-up Concular is helping well-known companies to recycle building materials. In an interview with Ambivation, co-founder Dominik Campanella explains how this came about and exactly how the current cooperation between Concular and Karstadt works.
Learn more

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